
Our exhibits and displays have a dual-focus: electronics and local maritime history. Objects from the collection are shown with their purpose, function, and provenance described.  (All of the equipment was previously installed on ships). Historically relevant material is also provided to help the public relate the significance of the displays to their own lives.

  An electronics-specific exhibit shows how technology has changed.  Navigation has evolved from the sextant to the GPS, and radio receiver technology has evolved from glass tubes to silicon integrated circuit chips and microprocessors.  There will be both enclosed and hands-on displays to help demonstrate each object’s functionality.

  Additionally, websites and pamphlets are used to open up the collections to a larger portion of the public.  The following websites show some of the equipment the Museum of Maritime Navigation and Communication has.


Current Exhibits:

Immigrants: The Roots of Innovation  Currently displayed at the Staten Island Conference House

Morse CodeCurrently located at the Staten Island Children’s Museum.

The Evolution of Electronics‎




Previous Exhibits:

Communication– An exhibit previously displayed at the St. George Public Library

Riding the Waves – An exhibit previously displayed at the Staten Island Conference House


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