We are all LinkedIn! take a look we are all over the net! MMNC Madness! Visit our Facebook, Twitter, instagram and our blog for up to date news about all things Maritime! We have a lot in store for this 2016 and hope to see you all absorbing the knowledge! https://www.linkedin.com/in/mmncny instagram.com/mmncny twitter.com/mmncny facebook.com/mmncny mmncny.blogspot.com […]
Hey Check It Out!
We just posted our first news blog! This blog will focus and cover all kinds of maritime history and interesting stories! Learn more about the Maritime culture from all over the globe! We even start with our home town of Staten Island! So all you islanders why not take a dip and learn more about […]
We are up an running. Find us on instagram @mmncny!!! Follow us for tons of pictures and more information about us! Don't forget that Facebook and Twitter love also!!! So much more to come this New Year of 2016!
New Post!
I know we are a little behind but the new blog has arrived! Check it out and learn about something cool http://mmncny.blogspot.com/ You can even check out our previous blogs! Dont forget to follow and tweet us @mmncny and Also visit and like our Facebook page and our website!! Happy Holidays!! Happy December!!
Check out our blog! Learn more about the pieces we have on display! The main focus will be to present extra information about all we have on display! http://mmncny.blogspot.com/ Visit our facebook page for all things MMNC!
Morse Code Exhibit
Our Morse code exhibit is currently on display for children at the Staten Island Children's Museum.
Riding the Waves
Riding the waves: and exhibit being hosted by the Conference House Park Visitor Center has opened and is running thru January 31, 2015. For More information: Riding the Waves
Bottle of Magic
The Development of the electron tube:
Staten Island Advance Article
Museum of Maritime Navigation and Communication featured in the SI Advance: SILive Link
Morse Code Videos
Some Videos from Youtube about Morse Code: