Atlantic Salt, Inc.

The Atlantic Salt sign outside the property.

Once the home of J.B. King’s Windsor Plaster Mills, a United States Gypsum Corp. plant, Atlantic Salt, Inc. made Staten Island its home in 1976 and opened their Richmond Terrace facility. The family-owned Eastern Salt Co., headquartered in Lowell, MA, has its Atlantic Salt branch on 10 acres, which have, which have, some of the most interesting waterfront views on the north shore, due to the variety of ships that come and go.

Mountainous piles of salt seen from Richmond Terrace.

Atlantic Salt  provides public safety road salt for melting winter ice and snow to public works departments and institutions of New York City, New York State, and parts of New Jersey and Connecticut.

A replica of the US Flag is often used as a covering.

This mountainous landscape of salt has also hosted the LUMEN Festival– a co-production produced by co-hosted with Staten Island Arts.

In its first year in 2010 and again in 2012, approximately 3000 people attended the event, up from 800 in 2010. In 2011, Staten Island Arts also participated in Atlantic Salt’s Maritime Festival.


Here are a variety of recent photos taken at Atlantic Salt, Inc from Richmond Terrace.

Ships pull up to dock for salt loads that travel throughout the country.


From this angle, it looks like a beach of salt.



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