Recent Sailing News

1) A few weeks ago, Juan Manuel Ballestero arrived in Argentina after sailing for nearly 3 months alone to see his elderly father because travel by air was restricted in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. He took his Ohlson 29 sailboat, also known as the Skua, on this long voyage across the Atlantic Ocean and arrived just in time for Father’s Day. He did not let the pandemic and international travel restrictions prevent him from seeing his family. Along the way, he persevered through many challenges, but ultimately his sailing experience and determination helped him complete the journey and reach safely.

2) On July 23rd, plans to build a new Sailing Museum were released along with details of its location and design. The Sailing Museum is to be built in the Armory building in downtown Newport, Rhode Island. It will be filled with interactive exhibits that demonstrate the many aspects of sailing. Split into seven sections, the main hall of the museum will feature seven thematic areas: Wind & Water, The Making of a Champion (Mental), The Making of a Champion (Physical), Teamwork, Competition and Legends of Sailing. In each area, people are given the opportunity to learn about and experience that element of sailing.

3) Recently, the public began voting for the World Sailing 11th Hour Racing Sustainability Award. In the past, the winner was determined by a panel of judges who were experts on the subject. This year, the public is joining in as well. Past winners were selected because of their ideas on how to improve ocean conservation and preservation and this year will be no different. The winner receives a $10,000 prize and a trophy made of recycled carbon fiber infused with bio-resin.

Created By: Anika Thakkar, Kristen Farhat & Kate Farhat

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